Norgen Phage Dna Isolation Kit

Phage DNA Isolation Kit

46800 50 Preps
EUR 161.4

Hitachi Exocomplete Laboratories manufactures the norgen phage dna isolation kit reagents distributed by Genprice. The Norgen Phage Dna Isolation Kit reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Hitachi Exocomplete. Other Norgen products are available in stock. Specificity: Norgen Category: Phage Group: Dna Isolation

Blood and Serum DNA Isolation Kit

1 kit
EUR 287.35

Cells and Tissue DNA Isolation Micro Kit

50 Preps
EUR 125.4

Cells and Tissue DNA Isolation Kit Dx

50 Preps
EUR 131.4

Food DNA Isolation Kit

50 Preps
EUR 101.4

Microm DNA Isolation Kit

50 Preps
EUR 131.4

Mitochondrial DNA Isolation Kit

50 assays
EUR 660
  • Assay Kit containing the folllowing: 5X Cytosol Extraction Buffer, Mitochondrial Lysis Buffer, Enzyme B Mix (lyophilized), TE Buffer
Description: Mitochondrial DNA Isolation Kit for use in the research laboratory

Genomic DNA Isolation Kit

50 assays
EUR 273
  • Assay Kit containing the folllowing: Cell Lysis Buffer, Enzyme Mix (lyophilized), TE Buffer
Description: Genomic DNA Isolation Kit for use in the research laboratory

Dna Isolation information

Genomic DNA Isolation Kit

24700 50 Preps
EUR 99

Genomic DNA Isolation Kit

24750 100 Preps
EUR 185.4

Genomic DNA Isolation Kit

24770 250 Preps
EUR 441

Microbiome DNA Isolation Kit

64100 50 Preps
EUR 179.4

Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx

Dx27600 50 Preps
EUR 179.4

Olive Oil DNA Isolation Kit

61700 50 Preps
EUR 107.4

Saliva DNA Isolation Kit Dx

Dx45400 50 Preps
EUR 105

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit

26200 50 Preps
EUR 149.4

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit

26240 4 Preps
EUR 12

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit

26250 250 Preps
EUR 671.4

Milk Bacterial DNA Isolation Kit

21550 50 Preps
EUR 117

Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit

17900 50 Preps
EUR 99

Hair Mitochondrial DNA Isolation Kit

69400 50 Preps
EUR 93

Soil DNA Isolation Maxi Kit

62000 10 Preps
EUR 165

Soil DNA Isolation Plus Kit

64000 50 Preps
EUR 189

Soil DNA Isolation Plus Kit

64040 4 Preps
EUR 12

Soil DNA Isolation Plus Kit

64060 100 Preps
EUR 329.4